

  • 11
  • 公司认证: 营业执照已认证
  • 企业性质:
  • 公司地址: 广东省 东莞市 长安镇 长安镇沙头振安路
  • 姓名: 唐志萍
  • 认证: 手机未认证 身份证已认证 微信已绑定

    C70250铜镍硅合金 图文 百度文库

  • 所属行业:钢铁 有色金属 铝合金
  • 发布日期:2024-07-03
  • 阅读量:364
  • 价格:120.00 元/千克 起
  • 产品规格:板块,棒材,线材,带材,不同规格不一样价格
  • 产品数量:10000.00 千克
  • 包装说明:标准包装
  • 发货地址:广东东莞长安  
  • 关键词:高导铜,高铜合金,铜镍合金,CuNi3Si1Mg,C70250

    C70250铜镍硅合金 图文 百度文库详细内容

    C70250 (ASTM B422) Alloy Data Specifications
    Olin Brass Alloy C7025 is a High Performance Alloy developed to meet the increasing material requirements of inter connect designers. C7025 combines good electrical and thermal conductivity with high strength, excellent stress relaxation resistance, good solderability and plateability. This combination of properties lends the alloy to be used in a wide variety of applications including automotive and electrical connectors, semiconductor lead frames and CPU sockets. The alloy can often be substituted directly for some Be-Cu alloys. For more information contact Olin Brass Market Development Engineering at 618-258-5255,  or email us at 
    Chemical Composition
    Copper1	Remainder
    Nickel	2.2-4.2%
    Silicon	0.25-1.2%
    Magnesium	0.05-0.30%
    Iron	0.20% max
    Lead	0.05% max
    Zinc	1.0% max
    1Copper plus named elements, 99.5%
    Physical Properties
     	English Units	Metrics Units
    Density	0.318 lb/in3 @ 68oF	8.82 g/cm3
    Thermal Conductivity	100 BTU-ft/ft2-hr-oF	172 W/moK
    Electrical Resistivity	25.9 ohm circ mils/ft	4.3 microhm-cm
    Electrical Conductivity (annealed)	40% IACS*	0.23 megamho/cm
    Modulus of Elasticity	19,000,000 psi	131 kN/mm2
    Coeff. of Thermal Expansion		
      68-212oF (20-100oC)	9.3 PPM/oF	16.7 PPM/oC
      68-392oF (20-200oC)	9.6 PPM/oF	17.4 PPM/oC
      68-572oF (20-300oC)	9.8 PPM/oF	17.6 PPM/oC
    *International Annealed Copper Standard
    Mechanical Properties
    Temper1	Tensile Strength	Yield Strength2	% Elongation2	Typical 90o Bend Formability GW/BW3
    ksi	N/mm2	ksi	N/mm2
    TM00	90-110	620-760	65-90	450-620	10% min	1.0	0.5
    TM02	95-120	655-830	85-110	590-760	7% min	1.5	0.5
    TM03	100-125	690-860	95-120	655-830	5% min	1.5	1.0
    TM03 HDC4	103-125	710-860	100-120	690-830	3% min	
    TR02	88 min	605 min	80 min	550 min	6% min	
    1Mechanical properties subject to change. Tensile strength and elongation are for reference only.
    2C7025 is manufactured to a yield strength.
    3DATA FOR REFERENCE ONLY. R/T = Bend Radius/Material Thickness <0.016" (0.4mm) thick, 11/16 (17.5mm) wide.
    4HDC - High Density Connector. Developed specifically for socket contacts demanding very narrow tight bend performance.
    欢迎来到东莞市协昌金属材料有限公司网站, 具体地址是广东省东莞市长安镇长安镇沙头振安路,联系人是唐志萍。 主要经营诚是一家销售,批发,零售及加工容为一体的合资企业,公司现进口的材料有1500余种. 长期库存有:(工具钢、结构钢、碳素钢、粉末钢、高速钢、钨钢(硬质合金钢)、铬钢、铬钼合金钢、耐热钢、不锈钢、拉力钢、轴承钢、弹簧钢、热扎板、冷扎双光板、有色金属材料:进口铜料(三宝红铜、黄铜、磷铜、铍铜、钨铜、杯士铜、锡青铜、铁白铜、洋白铜、铬锆铜、铬铜、铝青铜,锰青铜,铬青铜,铬锆铜,镉青铜,锰白铜,锌白铜。 单位注册资金未知。 我们公司主要供应三宝红铜、黄铜、磷铜、铍铜、杯士铜、锡青铜、铬锆铜、铝青铜,锌白铜,碳素钢、铜管、锅炉钢、模具钢、特殊钢,钛合金棒、合金工具钢,不锈钢、拉力钢、轴承钢、弹簧钢等,公司郑重承诺:以好的质量,低的价格,完善的售后服务,来答谢新老客户,所以选择我们,就等于选择财富!